Top of the South Speedway - Lansdowne Road, Appleby, Nelson.
Turn at the traffic lights on Queen St, Richmond
(right if travelling from north, left if from the south) and continue right along Lower Queen St ( past the Showgrounds),
approx 4km, turning left into Lansdowne Rd. Track is situated on your right.
Admission Prices are:-
Adult $12 Child* $5 Family** $25 Members $5 Pensioners $5
*CHILD = (5 to 15 yrs inclusive -proof of age required - Pre-schoolers free)
**FAMILY = (2 adults and up to 3 children 5 to 15 yrs incl)
Note: You can not get more than two adults in on a family pass
This season the Pit Gate will close at 6pm. Rule 5.3.6 of the rulebook states, all competitors,
vehicles, crews and equipment to be in the pits at least sixty (60) minutes before commencement of the meeting,
or in exceptional cases, at the discretion of the Steward and Promoter. We are enforcing this rule from now on, simply because
we keep running out of time for some of the administration jobs that need to happen on race night. This year you will all
need to have the Transmitter for your vehicle scanned, the information gathered from this exercise is transferred to the computer,
the drivers meetings will start at the timetabled time, along with warm-ups and meetings between the officials, lapscoring
staff and reps.